The South of Sardinia hosts some among the best kite spots for kitesurfing in Europe. From the south-east coast to the south-west coast you could find kite spot that allow to kitesurf all year round, especially in the period from March to November Spot like Punta Trettu and Cagliari have constant wind and perfect conditions for kitesurfing in Sardinia. Let see here below the best kite spots of Southern Sardinia, with their main characteristics and tips.

Kite Spot of Punta Trettu
Punta Trettu is located in the municipality of San Giovanni Sergiù, near the district of Matzaccara, just in front of the island of Sant’Antioco. Punta Trettu is a strip of sand that stretches for 700 meters from the pine forest of Punta Trettu dividing the sea from the lagoon of Sant’Antioco.
The kite spot of Punta Trettu is very famous among the kitesurfers due to its perfect conditions for kitesurfing: shallow and flat water, steady winds, great environment which makes Punta Trettu a perfect place to learn to kitesurf. The big spoces inside the bay can guest many kiters in total safety, the sand-tongue of Punta Trettu kite beach gives the feeling of “a beach to rely on”.
Punta Trettu is a great spot all year round, but the best months, thanks to the thermal wind that increase the wind intensity of the expected wind, are from March to October. In particular the North-West and South-East winds, with sun or little cloudiness, blows from 5 to 10 knots stronger than expected.
Characteristics of the kite spot
- Water: flat
- Level: all
- Wind direction: NW, SE, E, W, SW
Main Winds of Punta Trettu
- The North-West wind (Mistral) that predominates in Sardinia, blows strong and direct into the bay increasing in intensity due to “Venturi effect” and thermal wind.
- The South-East wind (Scirocco) blows perfectly from the opposite direction, benefiting from the “Venturi effect” and the thermal wind.
- The East wind (Levante) enters the bay and Punta Trettu is perhaps the only kite spot of the South-West coast of Sardinia where you can kite even with this wind direction.
- The West wind (Ponente) and South-West (Libeccio) blow quite well from spring to autumn if the sky is not too cloudy.
- The North wind (Tramontana) often blows strong and cold in the bay during the entire winter season (even over 50 knots).

Kite Spot of Porto Botte
Porto Botte, not too far from Punta Trettu, has two kite spots. Once arrived at the sea you can continue:
- on the right there is “il Fortino”, kite spot with flat water where it is located a local kite school that manages the place.
- on the left, you could reach the other kite spot of Porto Botte, where the water is a bit more choppy and shallow.
Porto Botte is a kite spot really appreciated and it is good both for learning and for improving.
The best winds in Porto Botte blow during the good season: it is more stable and stronger than expected do to the thermal wind (the North-West wind, in the sunny days could blow from 5 to 10 knots stronger than expected).
Characteristics of the kite spot
- Water: flat/chop
- Level: all
- Wind direction: NW, W, SW, SE
Main Winds of Porto Botte
- The North-West wind (Mistral) that predominates in Sardinia, blows strong and direct into the Gulf of Palmas increasing in intensity due to thermal wind and “Venturi effect”.
- The South-East wind (Scirocco) coming from the opposite direction, is a bit gusty and side-off.
- The West wind (Ponente) and South-West (Libeccio) blow well from spring to autumn if the sky is not too cloudy.
- The North wind (Tramontana) often blows strong and cold in the bay during the entire winter season (even more than 50 knots).

Kite Spot of Is Solinas
Is Solinas beach, located in the same bay of Porto Botte, is part of the municipality of Masainas.
Is Solinas is a really good kite spot, appreciated for its characteristics really good (flat/choppy and shallow water and steady winds) that make it great kite spot both for beginners and advanced riders. The beach of Is Solinas is long and the spot is safe as the winds are side-on and on-shore. The dunes and the Mediterranean bushes offer wind protection” for people that do not wanna kitesurf.
Like in Porto Botte, the best winds are blowind in the good season increasing in intensity thanks to the thermal wind.
During the summer season, kitesurfing is allowed in a defined zone on the beach.
Main Winds of Is Solinas
- The North-West wind (Mistral) that predominates in Sardinia, blows strong and direct into the bay, increasing intensity due to thermal effect during the summer months.
- The West wind (Ponente) and South-West (Libeccio) blow quite well from spring to autumn if the sky is not too cloudy.

Kite Spot of Porto Pino
Porto Pino, located in the municipality of Sant’Anna Arresi, is a long white beach with sand dunes and pink flamingos.
The kite spot of Porto Pino is unique for its crystal clear water and long shore but is not suitable for beginners. The wind is usually gusty and the water is choppy or has small waves.
Porto Pino is considered a winter kite spot, appreciated for its waves. In the summer season, due to the crowded beach and the absence of kite areas kitesurfing is not allowed.
Characteristics of the kite spot of Porto Pino
- Water: chop/waves
- Level: intermediate, advanced
- Wind direction: SW, W, NW, SE
Main Winds of Porto Pino
- The West wind (Ponente) and South-West (Libeccio) blow quite well throughout the year.
- The North-West wind (Mistral) that predominates in Sardinia, blows from the main land into the bay and is side off and usually very gusty.
- The South-East wind (Scirocco) blows from the main land into the bay and is side off and usually gusty.
- The North wind (Tramontana) blows very strong, gusty and cold in the bay throughout the winter season (even over 50 knots).

Kite Spot of Funtanamare
Funtanamare Beach, in the south west of Sardinia, in the municipality of Gonnesa, together with Porto Paglia (great surf spot), Plage Mesu and Punta S’Arena is part of the long beach of Gonnesa.
The kite spot of Funtanamare is appreciated for its waves when strong wind from Mistral is blowing. In the summer season kitesurfing is tolerated.
The wide and long beach make Funtanamare a safe kite spot, but it should pay attention to the sea currents that can be really strong. The suitable wind is the Mistral that blows throughout the year in on-shore / side-on direction.
Characteristics of the kite spot of Funtanamare
- Water: chop, waves
- Level: intermediate, advanced
- Wind direction: NW, W
Main Winds of Funtanamare
- The North-West wind (Mistral) that predominates in Sardinia, blows rather strong and directly into the whole gulf and in particular to Funtanamare.
- The West wind (Ponente) blows quite well from spring to autumn if the sky is not too cloudy.

Kite spot of Chia
Chia, located in the municipality of Domus di Maria, is a wave kite spot with the winds blowing from East and South-East.
Chia is considered a winter kite spot as in the summer, from June to September, the beach is really crownded and there not kite areas.
Characteristics of the kite spot of Chia
- Water: waves
- Level: intermediate, advanced
- Wind direction: E, SE, NE, SW
Main Winds in Chia
- The East wind (Levante) and the South-East wind (Scirocco) blow well into the bay (side, side-on) creating beautiful waves.
- The West wind (Ponente) and South-West (Libeccio) blow quite well from spring to autumn if the sky is not too cloudy.
- The North-East wind (Grecale) rare and more gusty, can blow here.

Cagliari: Kite spot of Poetto beach, Petrol Beach and Coppertone beach
The area of Cagliari has different kite spots: Poetto Beach, la Maddalena spiaggia and Comppertone.
The Poetto beach is a winter kite spot and works with the wind from East, South East, South West. During the summer season, winds are lighter, the big number of people at the beach and the lack of kite areas, do not allow the kitesurfing.
La Maddalena Spiaggia, better known as Petrol Beach, and Coppertone are located in the municipality of Capoterra, approximately 20 minutes from Cagliari. These two kite spots are summer kite spots when, in the high pressure ays (sunny and “no forecasted wind days”), it is blowing a thermal wind from south-east, that can blow between 12 and 18 knots.
Characteristics of the kite spot
- Water: chop
- Level: all
- Wind direction: Cagliari: Thermal wind, S, SE, SW; La Maddalena Spiaggia and Coppertone: Thermal wind, S, SE.
Main Winds in Cagliari, Petrol Beach and Coppertone
- Poetto beach of Cagliari: East, South East and South West winds.
- La Maddalena Spiaggia and Coppertone: The thermal wind that blows during high pressure (sunny and “no forecasted wind” days in the summer, when it can reach also 12 – 18 knots.

Kite spot of Punta S’Aliga
Punta S’Aliga, located in the municipality of Porto Scuso, is a wild kite spot. The Punta S’Aliga kite spot has 2 parts: the open sea and the lagoon. In the lagoon the water is flat and shallow (pay attention because sometimes the water can be very low). In the open sea the water is clear and choppy. Punta S’Aliga kite spot is not crowded also in the summer season!
Characteristics of the kite spot of Punta S’Aliga
- Water: flat/chop
- Level: all
- Wind direction: NW, SE
Main winds in the kite spot of Punta S’Aliga
- The North-West wind (Mistral) that predominates in Sardinia, blows direct into the bay, it’s a bit gusty in the lagoon side of Punta S’Aliga.
- The South-East wind (Scirocco) arrives from the opposite direction and blows well good if in other spots of the area it is too strong.

Kite Spot of Costa Rei
Costa Rei, in the South East of Sardinia, part of the Municipality of Muravera, is a popular tourist destination well known for its beautiful beaches. It is also a winter kite spot.
Costa Rei and the whole east coast of Sardinia is not a really windy. But when the wind blows well, the kite sessions here are often fantastic. The best winds for kitesurfing in Costa Rei are the Grecale (NE) and the Tramontana (N), that give waves.
During the summer season, the beaches are very crowded and there are not kitesurf zones. Therefore, in the summer, kitesurf in Costa Rei is not easy and we can say that this kite spot is a winter kite spot (from October to April).
Characteristics of the kite spot of Costa Rei
- Kite Spot Type: Sandy, Wave.
- Level: intermediate / advanced.
- Best winds: Tramontana (N) – Grecale (NE).
- Water temperature 15 °C (winter) – 25 °C (summer).

Kite spot of Villasimius
Villasimìus, famous touristic places in Sardinia, and two kite spots: Porto Giunco and Campulongu.
In Porto Giunco, winds from East or North East are needed. Winds from West are off-shore. Winds from North-Est usually create waves.
In Campulongu, winds from West or South West are needed. These winds create almost always waves. The bach of Campulongu is not so wide and therefore it is not easy to launch and land the kites.
The minimum level for kitesurfing in Villasimius is medium / advanced.
The best season for Kitesurfing in Villasimius is the winter season, from October to May. During the summer season, from June to September, Villasimius is very crowded an the winds are not blowing often. For this reason, Villasimius can be considered a winter kite spot.
Characteristics of the kite spot of Villasimius
- Kite Spot Type: Sandy, Wave.
- Level: intermediate / advanced.
- Best winds: in Porto Giunco, the Grecale (NE); in Campulongu, the Libeccio (SW).
- Water temperature 15 °C (winter) – 25 °C (summer).

Kite Spot of Geremeas
Geremeas, approximately 20 km from Cagliari, is a good kite spot when the wind id blowing from South-West. Kitesurfing is possible also with the winds from West and North-West, but these winds are gusty and could be really strong.
Characteristics of the kite spot of Geremeas
- Kite Spot Type: Sandy, Wave.
- Level: intermediate / advanced.
- Best winds: Libeccio (SW).
- Water temperature 15 °C (winter) – 25 °C (summer).